Hoverboard Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

How to Make a Hoverborad Real & Simple

How to make Money Printing Machine trick Part 2

How to make Money Printing Machine trick Part 1

Book Friction Amazing Fact !

We all are good readers and writers.but we don't ken the astounding fact on the book friction.
By keeping pages piecemeal.after culminating doing like that we cannot dissever them.e can pull a bulky amount with that.so please endeavor this at home and apportion your erudition to friends and family members.

If you have any doubts or question please comment down below the comment box.please place your thumb on the video and apportion.
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Flaming Candle Seesaw

Candle Seesaw !


First take an immensely colossal piece of candle,take a toothpick and insert through the center of the candle.next take two glass and keep the candle top of the glass.then check the candle is balancing or not.if not balancing abstract the wax from the high area.after that burn the candle both sides.then it will commences gradually slowly move just like seesaw.
There you go Flaming Candle Seesaw.Enjoy!

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Cool science expirement,Make Use of Technol

Make Use of Technol

Materials Required

*Plane surface plate

Place the Candle on the  plate at centre.After that burn up the Candle.Pour some water into the plate.Then take the glass  and put upside down to the Candle.A few seconds later  you can see that the  water  are raising up into the glass.


Beacuse the base of the cup has created an air tight.The pressure difference  between the inside and outside of the cup cause to araise until the pressure is equal the pressure outside.

For video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcRlnliUCu8

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